Eugene's coating system can handle any type of valves - gate, globe, check, ball, butterfly and solenoid valves, from small to very large - for a wide range of industries including petrochemical plants, nuclear, offshore projects, marine and industrial precision machinery.
Our technology and know-how do not only reflect the requirements of our customers, but also design a system to select the best coating for the environment of the valve, as well as giving precise protection of the product with computer-cut laser masking to prevent damage during operation.
Eugene's inspection team are composed of the experts of valve coatings applied to various surfaces. They are certified by internationally recognized certification bodies (NACE CIP level 2 and level 3).
Our qualtiy assurance team also play a critical role of the inspection and testing activities in ensuring the longevity, performance, and safety of coating surfaces.
Our key items of inspection and test are as below.